Enabling mutual SSL Authentication with Backends

More details to come.

To set the certificate with which the API Gateway makes calls to the API backends, use the following two environment variables on your kong service:

  • PROXY_SSL_KEY: The private key in PEM format
  • PROXY_SSL_CERT: The certificate to use in PEM format.

Make sure you also include the CA in the appropriate place (TODO to describe this in more detail).

Filling the env variables

When deploying via docker-compose

To get the data into environment variables, use the following technique:

export PROXY_SSL_KEY=$(cat /path/to/proxy-key.pem)
export PROXY_SSL_CERT=$(cat /path/to/proxy-cert.pem)


Use a secret to get the certificates into Kubernetes in a pre-step, then take out the content of the certificate and private key via valueFrom.

Apache Mesos