How to update globals.json


Edit files in wicked.portal-env

You shouldn't change the initial config in wicked.portal-env for it. If you do that, the changes and customization possibility would only be visible to new configurations, and that's not what we want.

Instead, check out this file:

This file is used to update existing configuration files and has means of editing the globals.json on the fly. This is where the defaults for new properties go.

To add properties, do this:

  • Add an update step, e.g. updateStep5_Apr2017
  • Create a function with this name, function updateStep5_Apr2017(targetConfig, sourceConfig, configKey)
  • Load the target globals (you don't need the source globals)
  • Set the targetGlobals.version to the next number, 5 (which right now is the right version)
  • Write the new property layouts with the desired default values
  • Save the target globals again

A template of the methods would look like this:

function updateStep5_Apr2017(targetConfig, sourceConfig, configKey) {
    debug('Performing updateStep5_Apr2017()');

    var targetGlobals = loadGlobals(targetConfig);
    targetGlobals.version = 5;

    targetGlobals.layouts = {}; // `layouts` is a new key here

    // Save new changes
    saveGlobals(targetConfig, targetGlobals);

This has the following effect: Whenever either the portal-api or the portal-kickstarter is started, these update steps will automatically populate the layout property. This means it will always be present at runtime, even if your static configuration does not contain them.

Test the local configuration

To test on your local configuration, if you have followed and cloned the wicked.portal-kickstarter project on your local machine.

- wicked
   +- wicked-config (Your static configuration repository)
   +- wicked.portal
   +- wicked.portal-env
   +- wicked.portal-kickstarter
   +- ...
  1. Go to the wicked.portal-env directory, and start the script ./, which will transport the portal environment into both wicked.portal-kickstart and wicked.portal-api, mimicking the way the docker images build up on each other, but just locally

  2. Attention! Save your local static wicked-config before executing the next command

Go to your local wicked-config folder and commit any changes to avoid breaking or loosing it.

  1. Launch the Kickstarter localy (in edition mode) with the path to you local configuration (here wicked-config is the name of my local configuration:
$ node bin/kickstart ../wicked-config
  1. Check your wicked-config/static/globals.json

The version setting should be equal to the new number and your changes present